Topic: Driving Safety
Media Type: Kit
Length in Min: 18mins
Language: English
Publisher: MARCOM Group
Objective: The objective of MARCOM's Driving Defensively Safety Meeting Kit is to provide the information employees need to drive cars, vans and small trucks safely, both on and off the job.
When you drive defensively, you're always looking for trouble. Not because you want to cause it, but so you can defend yourself against other drivers, and the trouble they can cause. Whether they're speeding, tailgating, or just not paying attention to what they're doing, other drivers can put you at risk.
MARCOM's training products on "Driving Defensively" provide the information employees need to drive cars, vans and small trucks defensively, both on and off the job.
Topics covered in these products include:
"Driving Defensively" online and VOD training, DVD and CD courses are available in English and Spanish. Kits, Booklets and Posters are available in English only.
The "Driving Defensively" MicroLearning curriculum includes the following 3-5 minute courses: