Topic: Sexual Harassment
Media Type: CD-ROM
Length in Min: 30mins
Language: English
Publisher: MARCOM Group
Objective: The objective of Blue Gavel's Preventing Sexual Harassment... for Employees Interactive CD-ROM Course provides employees with the information they need to help prevent sexual harassment in their workplace, and deal with it effectively if it does occur.
Sexual harassment can be devastating for its victims as well as for the companies they work for. It's also illegal. But the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission still receives more than 10,000 sexual harassment complaints from U.S. workers every year.
Blue Gavel's "Preventing Sexual Harassment… for Employees" training products provide employees with the information they need to help prevent sexual harassment in their workplace, and deal with it effectively if it does occur.
Topics covered in these products include:
All "Preventing Sexual Harassment for Employees" products are available in English and Spanish.
The "Preventing Sexual Harassment... for Employees" MicroLearning curriculum includes the following 3-5 minute courses: